Destinations criteria

Mandatory Criteria

  1. Information about Bike services / bike tourism on the Municipality’s website.
  2. Area map with cycling routes within the Municipality’s geographical boundaries.
  3. Bike rental availability by businesses located at the Municipality (rent a car, rent a bike or bike rental availability/free of charge by hotels).
  4. Bike service businesses within the Municipality’s geographical boundaries.


(The Municipality must meet at least 4 of the following criteria).

  1. Bike routes within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality.
  2. Parking places exclusively for bicycles.
  3. Bike sharing system supervised by the Municipality.
  4. Bike events (day, week etc).
  5. Bike tours (organised either by the Municipality, or by businesses, federations etc).
  6. Bike brochure or map with cycling routes availability in printed or electronic form.
  7. Municipality participation-representation in tourism exhibitions (domestic or abroad).
  8. Bike Friendly Hotels within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality (please click here).